Voicemail-to-email automated messaging
Having voicemail messages emailed to you is a low-cost solution to simplify your business communication.
Voicemail-to-email solutions can be provided whether utilising your existing number, a virtual local number or a national 0800 number.

Have voicemails sent instantly to nominated email addresses so no important message ever slips by
24/7 messaging service
Our automated voicemail-to-email services can each operate 24/7 or on your desired schedule.
Custom voicemail greeting
Record a personal greeting for your voicemail-to-email service or have our in-house voice talent record it for you.
Open messages in your inbox
Receive voicemails as audio messages attached to emails, automatically without having to retrieve them.
* Plus GST. Refer to Terms & Conditions.
How it works
Bundle with other business solutions
+ Phone numbers
Receive a free local number with your Live Call Answering package with the option to add multiple local numbers or a toll-free 0800 number.
Live call answering
Never miss a customer call with our Live Call Answering services that include custom greetings, message taking, and appointment bookings.
What our customers love
Trusted by more than 25,000 businesses across various industries
Find out more
Have questions? Please fill in your details and we’ll be in touch.
Want to try our call answering services for free?
Put New Zealand’s leading virtual receptionist solution to the test! We’re ready to answer your phone FREE for 7 days.
Want to try our call answering services for free?
Put New Zealand’s leading virtual receptionist solution to the test! We’re ready to answer your phone FREE for 7 days.
What does the free trial include?
Our free trial is based on our MyReceptionist service, with professional receptionists able to take messages and transfer calls based on your availability settings.